'Dare to try this bizarre-looking Turkish street food? It is called Şırdan (Shirdan). Originating from the southern Turkish town of Adana, Şırdan is arguably the most delicious Turkish street food out there in Adana. Making Şırdan (Shirdan) is not a simple task, first, you need to clean the cow\'s or sheep\'s stomach lining extensively, then stuff it with spiced and seasoned rice, and stitch the whole thing so that the filling does not spoil while cooking. Şırdan (Shirdan) is cooked by boiling on high heat. Serve this Turkish street food Şırdan (Shirdan) with a pinch of hot pepper flakes and cumin on top. If you like sour Turkish food, pair it with a glass of turnip juice or pickles. #TurkishRecipes #TurkishSnacks #TurkishSirdan Show us some love on Instagram: http://bit.ly/TWYInstagram Make friends with us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/TWYFacebook Collaborate with us on Linkedin: http://bit.ly/TWYLinkedin Enjoy our Tiktoks on TikTok: http://bit.ly/TWYTikTok Check out our curated albums on Pinterest: http://bit.ly/TWYPinterest'
Tags: turkish street food , best turkish food , traditional turkish food , delicious foods , disgusting food , strange food , bizarre food , adana , popular foods , most bizarre food , turkish recipe , strangest food , famous turkish food , Şırdan , turkish food recipes , turkish dish , strange turkish food , bizarre turkish food , Turkish snacks , adana sirdan , the most strange food , shirdan , turkish food sirdan , sirdan food , sheerdan , worst turkish food , popular turkish food , tripe food
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